There's been quite a bit of excitement and activity at ACS Athens lately, and we are thrilled to share with you the highlights of our recent endeavors as we usher in a new academic year filled with promise and potential.

New Faculty Orientation: Fostering Excellence

In August, we opened our doors to an exceptional cohort of new administrators and faculty members. This dedicated group embarked on a comprehensive orientation program designed to introduce them to the unique ACS Athens culture. This initiative not only acquaints our newcomers with the institution's rich history and core values but also provides a platform for them to forge meaningful connections with our existing ACS Athens family.

Our commitment to academic excellence starts with the professional development of our educators. This orientation program ensures that our new faculty members are equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to inspire and nurture our students, fostering an environment of learning and growth.

Professional Development Workshop for Faculty and Staff: Strengthening the ACS Athens Team

Continuing our tradition of excellence, our seasoned educators and staff members have also been engaged in enriching professional development workshops. These sessions aim to enhance their skills, explore innovative teaching methodologies, and stay updated with the latest educational trends. This year, the Professional Development team focused on two critical issues of our times: Differentiation instruction and inclusion and a comprehensive Mental Health Workshop.

By investing in the ongoing growth of our faculty and staff, we ensure that ACS Athens remains at the forefront of educational innovation.

New Parent and Student Orientation: Building a Supportive Community

Transitioning into a new school environment can be a significant milestone for both students and parents. Our New Parent and Student Orientation program serves as a warm welcome to all newcomers, offering a comprehensive introduction to our campus, our academic programs, and our thriving community.

The First Day of School: A Journey Begins

With anticipation building, we eagerly awaited the arrival of all our students on their first day of school. This day marks the commencement of an exciting journey filled with endless opportunities. As the hallways filled with laughter, curiosity, and the promise of new experiences, we were again reminded of the vibrant spirit that defines ACS Athens.

As we embark on this new chapter together, we look forward to the multitude of opportunities and achievements that await us.