A vibrant burst of positivity has taken root in the busy main hallway of the Middle School. As students pass by, they're met with an array of heartfelt messages, each a testament to the spirit of thankfulness.

One poignant message reads

"I am thankful for having an amazing family which gives me the strength for every single day."

It's a reminder that amidst the challenges of adolescence, the unwavering support of family becomes a source of strength. 

Another touching note expresses gratitude for the simple yet profound blessings: "I am thankful for having a roof over my head." In a world that often moves at a dizzying pace, this message grounds us in the awareness of essential comforts. The Gratitude Tree becomes a symbol of appreciation for the fundamental aspects of life that we might sometimes take for granted.

Our Gratitude Tree stands tall, promoting a mindset of gratitude that extends beyond the walls of our school.