From Mark McGowan, IB Director
Last week, eight of our seniors looked back on their student experiences at ACS Athens so that our 9th and 10th graders could look forward.
They offered their younger peers advice on their path toward graduation. The theme of the talk was, “How am I different now than when I was when I was in 9th grade?” and “What advice would I offer to my younger self?”
Senior stories included that of a musician, a theater student, full and partial IB students, and a student who was new to ACS Athens in the 11th grade. They spoke of their different backgrounds and approaches to learning but all agreed that "doing what interests you keeps you balanced".
Seniors emphasized the importance of not giving up on extra-curricular activities and remembering to spend quality time with friends and family.
It was yet another example of our ACS Athens seniors wanting to give back and be leaders in our community. We are ACS Athens and this is how we build our strong student community.