Greek Heritage: Classical Humanism & Byzantine Spirituality 

Credit gained: 0.5 High School Credit


Fluency in English 

Suggested Grade Level: Grades 9-12

Course description

This online course aims to familiarize students who display interest in Classics and Humanities,Greek history, Ancient Greek literature that cover a timeline from the Golden Age of Pericles to the rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire. The course will guide students to understand the context and the conditions within which classical humanism was born. In addition, they will be able to see how classical humanism infused its principles and values into the Byzantine times and were evident in a variety of domains, such as art and architecture, politics and philosophy, literature and drama. Through excerpts of ancient Greek and Byzantine literature translated in English, research, project-based learning, forum discussions and field studies, this 8-week course provides a brief overview of the foundations of the western civilization.

Course Start/End Date:

  • Fall 2023: Starting week of October 2nd, 2023 to week of November 20th, 2023

  • Winter 2024: Starting week of Feb 12th , 2024 to week of April 1st, 2024

  • Spring 2024: Starting week of April 8th 2024 to week of June 3rd, 2024

Course Duration: 8 weeks

Minimum Enrollment: 5 Students

Fellow/Online Instructor: Gaki, Venie

Cost: 300 Euros

Minimum Enrollment: 3 Students in a Course

If enrollment in a course fails to reach the minimum number of participants required for the class to run, the class will be cancelled and tuition will be reimbursed.